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Learn FEMM

with Rachel

Fertility awareness doesn't have to be daunting.

Rachel Headshot at Desk

What Do I Do?

I teach women to understand the link between their hormones and overall health, and how to monitor those things in real time with the FEMM Method of fertility awareness. 

What is FEMM?

FEMM is a sympto-hormonal method of fertility awareness that monitors both cervical mucus as well as your LH hormone via urine testing. 


Rachel Brand Shoot Image sitting in desk chair with fun heels on.

See what students say about learning FEMM with Rachel.

“I feel confident that Rachel gives 100% to help me get a clear understanding of what's going on in my body. She's been great to work with and I have learned so much.”

Natalie P, FEMM for Health

Amarillo, TX


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